Within our medical support package, we can offer the full support you require for running your event. Whether it’s a Responder for an event build or a multi disciplined medical team for your large event. Fro.m 1 person to 25,000 were there to support you and your team from the start. We can offer special rates for long term bookings over 6 months and even better deals for over a year, we ensure you have the right team who will look after your staff, caring for their medical needs as well as the public attending your event. Will match the hours the site is open as well as cover builds and breakdowns 24/7
We offer ambulances to act as a treatment areas as well as being mobile on a site and ready to provide as a CQC registered company the capability to transport people to hospital if needed. As the event builds so can we, adding day to day if required or year on year, providing staff or equipment as the site or event grows. Events that may have areas built for medical treatment centres such as festivals or large country shows, we can provide fully equipped pop up medical centres.
We won’t leave you or your event hanging, we will ensure that you have the correct cover and it will be fully risk assessed to the purple guide using relevant HSE guidelines.
We provide all cover from Responder through to Doctor and have a wide client base, ranging from large venues in London showing some of the top names in the music industry to supporting British Cycling with events on the track or Cross Country, We can cover equestrian events to Summer Fairs or large Country Shows. With teams willing to travel anywhere across the UK. No event is to small and if needed our staff can blend in for the corporate look wearing suits rather than medical uniform.
We regularly monitor our activity to ensure that we are providing the best possible service, and develop new guidelines and protocols where necessary. Either ring-side or medical room, we will be ready to give the best possible treatment to whoever needs us.
Our approach to covering large events ensures that we provide the highest level of medical support possible. We regularly provide A&E style medical centres with full advanced life support and resuscitation capabilities in addition to the usual treatment bays. The additional equipment and skills we provide onsite reduces the requirement for patients to attend hospital in a lot of cases. Where patients do need to attend a local NHS hospital, we are able to provide that link and transport the patient as needed.
Our track record shows our ability to cope with a multitude of different scenarios and our highly robust clinical and operational governance system ensures we provide a high standard of quality and care to every patient, all the time. These are all supported by high quality resources including: Frontline Emergency Ambulances, 4x4 and Standard Rapid Response Vehicles, Event Medical Centres / Static First Aid Points, Cycle Response Units, Fully Supported Critical Care Teams, Radio Communication & Control Units, Event Welfare Services (Static and Responding), Defibrillators and Cardiac/Vital Signs Monitoring, Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Life Support & Clinical and Operational Governance often exceeding National Standards with On Site Wound Assessment & Management, Extensive Medical Equipment, Medications and Consumables, And much more …
Collingwood Services work to national guidelines including:
Our staff have 24 hour access to their management team to offer backup and support where necessary.